

The Secret to Being a Great Manager:
Delegate for Results

Unleash talent and free up your time to permanently operate at a higher level

Learn how to delegate in a deep and deliberate way

  • Understand the importance of trust and learn how to develop and measure trustworthiness.
  • Learn how to unleash talent around you and free up your time so you can permanently operate at a higher level.
  • How to achieve results through people rather than always trying to do it yourself.
  • How to adopt a growth mind-set and how to set growth objectives and positively measure progress in an uplifting way.

Ready to get started?

Online 'essentials' Course via Udemy


  • Learn at your own pace, in your own time. Access videos and resources at any time.
  • Educate yourself to move up the career ladder.
  • Moving into a management role? Learn essential people management skills with this course!

Deep dive programme with Dave Stitt


  • Work with your leadership team and with Dave to progress the challenges specific to your team.
  • Learn to delegate effectively on your concrete tasks and get personal feedback.
  • Direct impact on your team, business effectiveness and results.

Get the book: "Deep and Deliberate Delegation"


We think we know what delegation is, but few of us do it well, or even at all.

It leads, argues Dave Stitt in this compact and sharply observed book, to capability choke points in teams and organisations, burned out managers and bored, under-deployed staff.

Delving into the anatomy of effective delegation, Dave builds a set of repeatable techniques for empowering and inspiring people around us, so that great things can start happening, even if it’s not us doing them.

Available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.

Get the template for my Trustworthy Tracker™ now!*

*and my exclusive article on “Trust vs. Trustworthiness”

Dave’s Trustworthy Tracker gave each team member a practical and actionable way to assess their level of trustworthiness within the team and create a simple plan to raise it. It was a game changer.

Andy Robbins
Principal, Oyster

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AND receive my exclusive article on Trust PLUS the Trustworthy Tracker™ template for free!

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Feedback: adversarial or collaborative?

Some people feel they must be combative when giving feedback, as if it’s a clash of wills or a battle of wits. It’s counter-productive. Test your style against this checklist …

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Brutal facts

Is anybody scared these days? The wheels seem to be coming off the bus. But there are ways of keeping your nerve in chaotic times. Use this technique to respond to brutal facts.

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What you love and excel at

Probably the most compelling reason to master delegation is that it gives the right people the freedom to do the right things, starting with you.

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