

The only programme you need to double your performance – master delegation and forget about time management.

About our Programme


Who it is for

Leaders who want to unleash talent in their team or organisation and who want to win back their time.

Together you will deliver remarkable business results!


In a very practical way we look at

  • the interplay between the delegator and delegatee,
  • the task being delegated and
  • the system within which all this takes place

And we explore how feedback flows between these elements.

Minimum expected outcome

Participants Learning and Development

  • Discover your Unique Ability
  • Why delegation is complex and the implications
  • What to delegate to increase performance and productivity
  • How to delegate effectively
  • How to give feedback that strengthens trust and delivery
  • Personal delegation improvement action plan

Your Organisation will gain

  • Leaders who are re-positioned to play to their strengths
  • Leaders who model delegation
  • More focused and motivated staff as a result of improved leadership
  • Enhanced business effectiveness and results

enables participants to explore and develop approaches and tools that they can use straight away.

By using these tools you will be able to delegate more effectively right away. You will improve your own performance and the productivity of your people.

Download further information

Get the template for my Trustworthy Tracker™ now!*

*and my exclusive article on “Trust vs. Trustworthiness”

Dave’s Trustworthy Tracker gave each team member a practical and actionable way to assess their level of trustworthiness within the team and create a simple plan to raise it. It was a game changer.

Andy Robbins
Principal, Oyster

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I’m very glad we did the Delegate for Results course with Dave, and that it was the first we did together as a new Senior Leadership Team at LMC. It has helped to give us a common vocabulary and understanding about how best to delegate to and manage our team, and unlock the full potential within the team. I know it will help us shape the ‘LMC Way’ with more clarity and confidence.

Liz Male MBE 
Managing Director Liz Male Consulting Ltd (LMC) 

Exceeded expectations and provided many tools to improve delegation techniques, interaction and good fun. We have already seen improvements in behaviours. The participants have stopped believing they are the only ones capable of doing a great job – leading to improved efficiency. We have now embarked on a roll out programme for all our leaders.

Mark Thompson Managing Partner 
Ryder Architecture 

I was firstly a participant on The Delegation for Performance and Productivity Programme and now I am delivering it on behalf of DSA. As a participant the Programme transformed my ability to delegate which has ultimately improved my efficiency, also it has allowed me to value myself and given me permission to say ‘no’. I left the Programme feeling taller. The design and pace was perfect to maximise the opportunity for application in between the sessions.

Now as the person delivering the Programme I am really pleased with how much people are gaining from it and from each other. The participants leave their day job behind and immerse in the subject of delegation. They practice new approaches in between sessions and share learning and impact when they return. They are impressed by how the Programme is packed with thought provoking concepts and tools that they can take and use straight away.

I would recommend this Programme to senior managers and aspiring leaders.

Susan Dawson PgCertHE BSc(Hons) ACIAT FHEA 
Director of Business and Employer Engagement & Senior Lecturer 
Engineering & Environment, University of Northumbria 

The Course content is not covered elsewhere so the coaching output is unique and therefore highly recommended.

Pranav Patel 
Senior Agent, Costain 

The Programme was extremely insightful for me to understand myself, how others thought of me and how the process of delegation works. I found it very useful to develop the tools of delegation to improve efficiency, empower people and unlock their potential.

Steve Dudley 
Senior Project Manager, Costain 

The Programme was very useful and interesting and it has opened my mind to consider things that can be used on a daily basis to improve performance and wellbeing.

Victor Muniz Gomez 
Architectural Director at Ryder Architecture 

Opened my mind to a much wider and hugely complex area of development, far beyond what I imagined the subject to entail.
Has given me many tools to go away and try, consider and make myself a more effective leader.
Self reflective aspects were particularly enlightening.

David Wise
Associate Director, Space Group

Read "Deep and Deliberate Delegation"


We think we know what delegation is, but few of us do it well, or even at all.

It leads, argues Dave Stitt in this compact and sharply observed book, to capability choke points in teams and organisations, burned out managers and bored, under-deployed staff.

Delving into the anatomy of effective delegation, Dave builds a set of repeatable techniques for empowering and inspiring people around us, so that great things can start happening, even if it’s not us doing them.

Available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.


Tackling tumbleweeds

You tell your team your big plan. “Any questions?” you ask, and all you get is blank stares. Your heart races. You really need them on board but they’re looking at you like you’re on another planet. Here’s a tip.

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Have some damn faith!

Okay, so, yes, I’m reading Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life”. Forget about lobsters, though: right now I’m taken by his ideas about faith.

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Sneaky control freaks

If you engineer a big plan for your delegatee to carry out, and then police them, you’re still micromanaging.

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