The Good Leader

Here’s a thought

People work best when they feel good about themselves

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????About five years ago, aware of my deepening sense of gloom, I realised I was paying too much attention to the News. Apparently bad news sells so that is what we get 24/7. It’s on the television and the radio, its handed out free at the train station, it’s on screens in the bank, in the street and in the office reception area. It seems like we are met everywhere by bad news – ‘misery loves company’!

Burdened by it all I decided to shift my attention away from the News and towards what was really important for my customers. I actually stopped watching the News. My rational was this, if I could tune into and service my customers’ needs my Business would grow and the News will look after itself. Having grown in the last five years I think not watching the News has been good for me, I feel lighter of spirit and Business is fine. There have been times, however, where it has not worked, like flying into New York for a family holiday, oblivious to what is going on and straight into Hurricane Sandy!

This approach probably won’t work for you, as a leader you need to be aware of what’s going on, the trends, who has said what and where you need to be moving in order to shape things and stay ahead. Though what if all this bad news is eating away at you and your people – exacerbated by the Industry’s ‘problem focused, thrusting forward’ culture where success is rarely celebrated. What if your people are not feeling good about their world, the organisation, project or themselves? What is the cost to morale, productivity and results?

In his book (thanks for the book referral Luis) The Happy Manifesto, Henry Stewart states “People work best when they feel good about themselves” then asks “What should be the key role of management in your organisation”? Reflecting, I think this statement and question are pivotal to success. This is where The Good Leader comes in, how do you make your people feel good about themselves and how can you do that if you are fed on a diet of bad news, coming from every direction?

In the past fortnight one leader told me ‘construction is a terrible industry’ and a relative said ‘this is a cruel world’ – neither felt right to me so last week I conducted an experiment. Over a 48 hour period I made a note of good things and acts of kindness. I recorded 34 instances, which accounting for sleep, is just under one per hour. Seems to me that if I look for good stuff I find it and if I look for bad stuff I can find that as well.

The good leader puts effective risk management in place then vigorously searches out the good stuff and makes sure her people are doing the same.

‘The Collaboration Leader’ will be with you on Tuesday 6th May 2014 – this kicks off our month long campaign for collaboration in the construction industry; there are good things happening for very good reasons – more on this in May!

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