5 things good delegators do

  1. Instils confidence: The delegator believes the delegatee can do the thing, and inspires confidence by communicating that. When we’re confident, we can do anything.
  2. Gets organised: Works out how the delegated thing fits into the bigger picture; remembers where we’re up to; sticks to agreed priorities; shows up on time for meetings, with promises fulfilled.
  3. Communicates well: Makes time for discussion to clear up confusion; listens; is alert to ambiguities; asks questions.
  4. Backs off: Lets people get on with it, make mistakes, and own the initiative.
  5. Gives effective feedback: Says when things are wrong; says when things are good; raises delegatee’s own awareness of her potential.

Everybody knows this, but it’s an art. We don’t master an art by having it described to us. It must be practised and honed.

Learn more here: https://dsabuilding.co.uk/deep-and-deliberate-delegation/