Are you hoarding accountability?

Busy, responsible people know they need to delegate but, when it comes to choosing an actual thing to delegate, reflex often takes over and they tighten their grip on their kingdoms.

This is called hoarding accountability, and it’s perfectly understandable.

“This company’s my baby,” a managing director said to me. “My house has been on the line.”

I get that, but good delegation is a way of replicating your accountability (and capability) in another person, and then another, so that they care as much as you.

To be set free you have to delegate something substantial, but when you do you’ll have three good people looking after your baby, instead of just you.

If you’re an accountability hoarder and you can’t think of anything to delegate, try asking some people you trust, and who know what’s going on, what you should delegate.

Chances are, if you’ve been hoarding accountability, they’re going to have some well-developed ideas.

There’s a system to this: