“I feel like sacking the next person who complains about communication…”

Dave (Coach) – what’s your business result?

Len (Client) – morale is poor and I have tried everything but everyone keeps complaining about lack of communication.

Dave – if you could improve communication what would that get you?

Len – it would be a better atmosphere, I’m sure our customers are picking up on it, one client last week said both our PM and receptionist appear brusque and unwilling, God knows what that is doing to my business!

Dave – OK, so what is your business result here?

Len – I want my staff to be happy and productive and for our clients to be picking up on that.

Dave – And what would that get you?

Len – better relationships with our clients leading to repeat business

Dave – And what would that get you?

Len – lower business acquisition costs, which would improve margins, would also improve our hit rates and even reduce staff churn and all the aggro that goes with that.

Dave – OK let’s look at morale, you said people complain about lack of communication and that you have tried everything. What have you tried?

Len – I tell them everything, I am always sending E mails to everyone, telling them what is going on, it seems like it’s all I do, so WHAT ELSE DO THEY NEED TO KNOW!!! Honestly, I feel like sacking the next person who complains about communication, IT REALLY HACKS ME OFF, AND ITS SO NEBULOUS, lack of communication, ITS JUST A BLOODY COMPLAINT!!

Dave – so you [tell] them everything?

Len – yes, yes, I don’t know what else they want.

Dave – when was the last time you asked them and listened?

Len – what do you mean? …… hmmmm. Sh1t!, its one way traffic, isn’t it, I’m just telling and not listening, maybe that’s it, I need to listen to them, find out what is going on for them.

Dave – OK so what can you do here?

Len – I am going to set up a session over lunch when they can voice their concerns and I am not going to dominate it, in fact I’m just going to listen.

Dave – and what else?

Len – nothing. That’s my first step, I think if I just do that, that will get things rolling, it will make a big difference I’m sure. Thanks Dave, I’ll let you know how I get on in our next session.

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