How do you bring about change when you have no hierarchical power?

Constructing Excellence in the North East asked me to give a talk on ‘Leadership’ to young professionals in their Generation for Change (G4C) group. Rather than turn up and talk I identified fifteen questions they could explore and then on the day asked them to vote for the five they were most interested in. We…

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What 2025 looks like

Get your kids into genetics, robotics and cyber security – that’s where the future lies according to an expert on the radio the other day. Given the huge pressure on infrastructure I would add civil engineering to that list. A customer recently asked me what 2025 will look like, as if I have any idea.…

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What coaching means to me

Firstly what it’s not: Telling someone what they should do. I think we should ban the word should. Giving advice or my opinion Judging – good or bad, right or wrong. Providing technical information Counselling – helping to ‘heal’ the past Shoulder to cry on A “course” of formal learning or training Definitely not ‘agony aunt’…

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The help dilemma

I see a bloke in the changing rooms at my gym. He suffers with an inflamed knee. One day we got talking and I asked if he was taking anything and he told me his doctor prescribed pain killers and rest. I asked if that was working and he said no. I suggested a natural…

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and the truth is

Listening to the radio, watching Question Time, I am noticing that members of one political party keep repeating “and the truth is”. It’s not the truth, it’s their opinion. What is the truth? It depends on your perspective. I’m not sure there is such a thing as the absolute truth. Maybe it’s true that we…

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Difficult work

People are involved in difficult work. Often it has not been done before, it’s a permanent prototype, possibly never to be repeated. It might be building the tallest tower, slotting a tunnel under the capital city, decommissioning a nuclear power station, building a bridge over a busy river, maintaining critical water infrastructure or electrifying the…

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Two brains are better than one

Could you do with having a second brain to help you think something through and progress towards your desired result? A coach lends a second brain to help their client succeed. When I started my Masters back in October 12 I was required to log 90 hours of one to one coaching so I sent…

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