Blurting it out

Consistent with people in charge of companies and teams, they tend to be extroverts, high in agreeableness, very conscientious, middle-of-the-road in neuroticism, and leaning toward openness over caution.

This has implications for delegation.

Take extroversion. Extroverts “talk their thinking” whereas introverts “think their talking”. So they blurt stuff out without thinking it through (much), because they’re energised by social interaction, and find time alone irksome and a drain.

A big part of effective delegation is first imagining and then describing the desired outcome, so that it’s crystal clear to everybody.

The risk for extroverts here is a lack of clarity in the objective, as they verbally wander about, exploring new thoughts and returning to unresolved old ones.

To avoid frustrating and confusing their team (“Just tell us what you want!”) extroverts need to put a little more effort into working out the objective beforehand.