Give it a rest

I don’t like holidays much. I’m awkward and obstructive when it’s time to plan and commit to them, which drives my wife crazy. I like to be busy, and I love my work. But with Christmas hoving into view I’m signing off on the Daily Tips now, because I know holidays are good for me. In fact, they’ve changed my life.

In my career, I’ve made three momentous decisions that gave it its shape, and they were all made after a holiday, however grudgingly taken.

I read somewhere that progress depends on the phenomenon of grip-and-release. We have to let go sometimes if we’re ever to assess what’s worth hanging onto.

Holidays are a chance to step off the treadmill, take a breath, and look around. A chance to assess priorities, ask different questions, connect with people, even if it’s all outside our comfort zone of busyness.

So I hope you can take a break, too. Switch off the phone, let emails pile up. We all need a break.

Happy Christmas and New Year, and see you in January!