How to send angry emails

Sure, hit reply and, yes, in a cold fury, compose the response that crackles with indignation, derision, sarcasm and accusation. This is going to really hurt them, you think, starting to enjoy yourself.

But do yourself a favour: before you start writing, delete their email address from the “To” box, so it’s blank. Then you can get it all off your chest.

When you’re done, ask yourself, do I really want to send this? Does anything good ever come from email dogfights?

I can answer that: No. All it does is inflame the situation. It isn’t real communication such as you get in voice or face-to-face conversation, it’s just spiralling mutual abuse, which remote, faceless written communication encourages. Look at social media.

It’s unnecessary, damaging, and those things can’t be unsaid.

Leaving the “To” box blank means you can’t send the email by accident.

Now, delete the email, pick up the phone, and communicate properly.

This is about fostering and preserving working relationships, essential in a culture of delegation.