I invented a new type of conversation

I call it the Delegation Feedback Conversation, and it’s designed for people who don’t necessarily always know how to initiate really important, productive chats about important things, which is probably most of us.

To me, delegation is enlisting someone’s help to achieve something big. It’s a process that requires really good, ongoing, high-level, two-way feedback. That means Big Conversations, which are scary. They take tact, emotional fluency, insight, courage, and much else.

So, this conversation I invented is a technique, including a few scripted questions, that gives everybody a speaking part, and a framework for the necessary mix of inquiry, support, tactical planning and challenge.

It’s lean and flexible, capable of repetition anywhere, under almost any circumstance where a face-to-face conversation can be held.

It helps delegator and delegatee progress toward the end goal through a series of milestones.

There’s not enough space to set it out here, so I might do a blog about it.

In the meantime (ahem), you could check out my new book.