‘Our values’ nonsense

I see lots of values statements that include “integrity”, and that bugs me, because integrity isn’t a value, it’s an ongoing process. It’s what you have when you are living your values, and it comes and goes, because no one can live all their values all the time.

The word “integrity” comes from “integer”, which means one, whole, complete within itself.

To have integrity is to be complete and whole within one’s self, including with one’s past (no baggage) and the present (no outstanding issues with anyone).

It also means being true to one’s self, making our unique contribution, and nothing short of that, and speaking and acting on one’s truth. It’s tough and never-ending.

The work required for a company to be in integrity is probably too much for an organisation. Some strive for it more than others, and succeed, but to claim we’ve attained integrity right away puts us out of integrity.

One aspect of integrity is facing up to what we’re accountable for, and realising we can’t do it all ourselves.