Radical accountability
How much of what we do do we do because it’s just what we do? To what degree have we become Custodians of the Status Quo? Wardens of Routine?
Busy-ness is a comfort zone.
When did we last look up from the day-to-day detail, to the horizon, to spot the big opportunity, or the looming risk, and thought hard about how we’re spending our days in relation to what we’ve seen out there, the thing we can’t honestly ignore anymore?
And not just us, but the people around us.
These are crucial questions for leaders of teams and organisations, and to ask them is to begin embracing radical accountability. “Radical” means “to the roots”.
But you can’t fulfil your accountability alone: you must enlist help. Others must see what you see, care like you care, and step with you out of the ruts of routine. This doesn’t dilute your accountability, it replicates it in others.
This is what I mean by deep and deliberate delegation.
Imagine if it became embedded as a culture in your team?