Take a closer look at people

Executives can sometimes be paralysed by a reflexive pessimism toward the people around them, and this is often used as an excuse for not delegating anything big.

I’d like to challenge that.

The philosopher Onora O’Neill said we should switch our focus from the subjective feeling of trust to the evidence-based characteristic of trustworthiness.

She suggested three criteria: Competence, Honesty and Reliability.

I will add a fourth: Caring.

Here are some questions to ask.

Caring: Do they ask about your needs and interests, and generally take opportunities to realise common goals?

Honest: Do they tell the truth regardless of self-interest, and do you sense you’re getting the full picture?

Reliable: Do they consistently do what they say they’ll do?

Competent: Are they proficient at what they do, showing good familiarity with the rules and an ability to apply them to most situations?

If the answer to these questions are “yes”, or even “sort of yes”, you should delve further.