Warning signs of the Big “C”

You hear experts talk about whether the industry has learned anything from Carillion. I think it’s a pointless question, and anyway, the answer is no.

It’s pointless because there isn’t “an industry” that can “learn”. Construction isn’t some monolithic thing, but a vast, chaotic ecosystem.

Companies and people can learn, though, and be inspired to pay attention to warning signs and take the needed action.

This is a delegation issue because, as leaders, we must look to the horizon and check for the risks and opportunities that are out there. And because we can’t do everything ourselves, we must enlist competent help to meet the challenge.

So, can we come up with a Top Ten list of indicators signalling the next Carillion? What are your suggestions? It might have to do with people, culture, business practice, or other tell-tale metrics of a company headed south.