What you need to do is …

“Advice is what you get when the person you are talking with about something horrible and complicated wishes you would just shut up and go away,” writes Jordan Peterson in “12 Rules for Life”.

That was hard to read, because I’m always telling people what to do.

I know he’s right, though, because my advice is often just what I would do in my world with my life experiences, all of which are alien to the other person. It’s a low-grade conversation.

But what am I going to do with all the experience and insights I have?

Instead of advice, Peterson suggests “genuine conversation”, comprised of exploration, articulation, strategising, and mostly listening.

So, I’m going to try using what I know to ask better questions, and let the other talk and strategise and work things out for themselves.

This a good feedback tip (from Peterson I mean), feedback being an essential part of Deep and Deliberate Delegation.