Dave's Books
Coach for Results
Empower your people to achieve the extraordinary

I've been coaching exec teams in the construction industry for more than two decades. In this book I show how any manager can use simple coaching techniques to unleash talent and hunger for success latent in those around them.
Dave Stitt
Learn more about the "Coach for Results" online course.
Deep and Deliberate Delegation

Everybody Delegates
We think we know what delegation is but few of us do it well, or even at all.
It leads, argues Dave Stitt in this compact and sharply observed book, to capability choke points in teams and organisations, burned out managers and bored, under-deployed staff.
Delving into the anatomy of effective delegation, Dave builds a set of repeatable techniques for empowering and inspiring people around us, so that great things can start happening, even if it’s not us doing them.
Now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.
21st Century People Leadership
Baby Boomer managers need to grow up. The old model of management – bark, bollock and bite – has been proven to fail, especially with younger generations. The result is struggle, frustration and chronic underperformance at all levels.
21st Century People Leadership contains 21 life-changing insights and power tools for unlocking the massive potential in your teams.
£ 12.00 + postage
Please send an email to Tracey (below) to order your copy.

We need to talk about collaboration
Everyone talks about collaboration, but what does that mean and why is it so important and so difficult and how do you do it?
In this short book Dave Stitt explains the pressure coming from Government for collaboration, why it seems so hard in the UK construction industry and one proven way to establish and sustain what both public and private sector clients are demanding.