Feeling tired

As Christmas approaches many of the people I am working with are feeling tired. A client told me he’s been full on for six months, is worn out and has had a cold that he cannot shift for the last eight weeks. I’m also feeling tired – 2015 has been a challenging year though work wise one of my best.

Feeling tired has advantages and disadvantages – I have been reflecting on some as they affect me.

When tired I am more sensitive which is helpful as a coach as I notice more things about my customers. That helps me support and challenge them more effectively leading to new patterns of thought, different actions and better results. Being more sensitive can easily tip into oversensitive and taking things personally which is less good for me as a coach. I’m aware of that and am working on treating all feedback, good and bad, as data for consideration, learning and development. For me that’s not always easy.

I am told we can also learn and develop technique involving our motor or movement skills more effectively when we are tired. Apparently the highly active processing part of our brain quietens down leaving our natural self to adopt adjustments to our golf swing or dance steps and embed them into our muscle memory.

Also when we are tired our resistance to infection is reduced so if you have a cold please keep your distance and if you haven’t you might want to choose your company carefully.

On Friday I’m switching off and going to the South of France for a week with my family. It’s our first Christmas abroad and the weather forecast is currently fifteen degrees and sunny. Rest, recuperation, vitamin D and an e mail free week is my Christmas present to myself.

Wherever you are here’s wishing you a great Christmas and let’s hope we all come back after the holidays bug free with a clear head and re-energised to hit 2016 running.

All the best.

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