Here’s something remarkable, it’s for you

Very good is boring

Very good is boring nowadays and excellent will soon be boring.

For instance: mid-summer my two sons were home along with my eldest’s girlfriend. The three of them are each well over six foot tall. They fancied a day trip so Sue and I suggested we all go to Northumberland. There was no way they were going to fit in the back of my two door coupe so I hired a car for the day. It cost £30 all in. I couldn’t believe how cheap it was – a small fraction of the cost had we all gone by public transport and hiring it was quick and easy. And it was a ‘top of the range’ car, very nice. All of us comfortably packed in, I’m driving north and I find myself thinking “What a good deal, thirty quid all in and this is a very good car” and a moment later “yes, but it’s boring, I wouldn’t have one of these”.

Very good is boring and so is excellent in many places. People have come to expect remarkable. They want to be able to talk in glowing terms about their experience or what they have just bought.

Yes, the Enterprise Car Rental experience was remarkable, remark-able. I’m remarking, talking about it here though while the car was very good, it was boring. I wouldn’t buy one to own for myself.

Your service or product

Are you talking about the fantastic things you are doing for your customer? Are your people and is your customer and their people? You are remarkable. Being remarkable is how you flourish nowadays, aiming for very good or even excellent might not do for much longer.

Tell me what’s great about your business and I will talk about it as I go about my business and on social media so that you become remarkable out here and so your brand (reputation) grows, bit by bit, drip, drip, drip.

My customers are remarkable 

For years I have been working with remarkable companies in the UK construction industry, here’s a few examples: Costain, the technology based engineering solutions provider; Mace, a leading international consultancy and construction company; Ryder, the international practice synonymous with everything architecture; Clancy Docwra, fast becoming the most trusted provider of essential services that keep the UK running; Magnox, who operate and decommission nuclear power stations in the UK and Mouchel-Babcock, providing much needed school places in London. They have all delivered remarkable results, we talk about some of them here – case studies

Becoming remarkable and why that matters

Do whatever you do in such a way that people talk about you in glowing terms, that way you become remarkable. Depending on where you are starting from it may mean some tweaks or it might be a longer path; either way start from here and inspire people so they talk about what you do. It could be your new mission; it’s mine.

Savvy customers are listening out for remarkable. Remarkable matters.




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