Here’s what has changed in construction in 40 years

Caution – memories are particularly unreliable and my reality is not your reality

Lots of the workforce directly employed. Plant was owned, materials were made in BritainMainly subcontracted. Plant is hired in. Materials from around the world. Workforce from around the world
Most stuff was dug, poured and built on siteMost stuff is dug, poured and built on site
Everything was won on priceSome big “frameworks” for infrastructure projects and asset management programmes. Lots still won on price.
There was no IT. There were calculators but my boss forced me to use a slide rule and 10 figure log tables ‘cos it was good for me’IT is everywhere. Is communication better?
BIM is “the game changer” ….. ?
Rain stopped the jobRain doesn’t stop the job
The Resident Engineer/ The Architect were god
The Clerk of Works was god’s assistant
Designers paid by The Contractor
Rarely hear mention of COW
Bosses were on the golf course or upstairs in their nice officeNow working two levels down from their pay grade, dragged in and down by 250 emails a day
I had huge training (none of it to do with people or teams)People seem to get inductions, statutory and compliance training
The Contract was misunderstood and regularly referencedThe Contract is misunderstood and said to be ‘left in the drawer’
“We are only here to make a profit”Thinking about customer, CSR, ethics, environment and work life balance
Time and motion studies, viewed with suspicionBest practice and innovation and LEAN, though little capacity to implement
Huge ingenuity for overcoming problems and getting things builtHuge ingenuity for overcoming problems and getting things built
Low productivityLow productivity
The Personnel ManagerHuman Resource M̶a̶n̶a̶g̶e̶r̶ Department
“Baby boomers” were the future leadersGeneration X, Y and Millennials are the future leaders

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