The LinkedIn Leader

Here’s a thought

“What is David Cameron doing on LinkedIn?”

Stuart my social media guy has been harassing me to get up to speed on LinkedIn, trying to help me out of being my companies Sales Prevention Officer. So I am now in the middle of a two month programme of weekly tutorials to develop my LinkedIn profile and leverage it to support my business.

Being performance minded I have set some targets for this programme:

  1. To have over 500 contacts by the end of August. Why 500? Some of my contacts have ‘500+ connections’ after their name, so I wanted that badge as well. At the time of writing I have 395.
  2. 1000 downloads of my new book “We need to talk about collaboration” by Christmas. I am really excited about my new book and this target as that would make it a construction industry ‘best seller’. Though you don’t have to buy it as it is completely free to download from my website or by clicking on the cover below. You don’t even have to register or give up any of your personal data, just click and you have got it. Currently just over 200 people have it and some have rang me to say ‘spot on and thanks’.
  3. To have 50 recommends on LinkedIn by Christmas. I have lots of written testimonials though having just started with LinkedIn I only have one from David Hollingsworth – a really smart exec who I’ve been working with recently. Stuart tells me ‘recommends add credibility to your profile’.
  4. To have recommended 42 people by Christmas (two per week). This week I have recommended David Taylor of Costain (fine leader) and Diana White, my venue finder for the last ten years. I really enjoy recommending other people, it makes me feel good and hopefully it increases their value.

In my tutorial yesterday with Stuart I asked him three questions

Firstly – why is LinkedIn brilliant for business? He said ‘you can connect with a huge number of people, massively more than by telephone, which opens doors and possibilities. You also get to see what they are up to and who they are connecting with and it’s a great way to stay on their radar without being intrusive’.

Then – what is your top LinkedIn tip? He said “talk to people”, post opinions, share good stuff, send messages and engage in groups relevant to your interests. Most people think LinkedIn is “set and forget”, you got to communicate with your network because this electronic talk leads to real life talk’.

And – what it the biggest LinkedIn NO NO? His answer ‘the single biggest and most damaging thing is to try and sell in public places, spamming and posting sales messages is a big turn off’.

This all made me think of a recent conversation with a marketing manager from a top UK national contractor. He told me he does all of his work nowadays on LinkedIn, seven days a week. The only time he calls or meets people is to follow up the hot leads generated from his computer. He also told me that he was way ahead of his targets and that the estimating department was flat out. Amazing! And a million miles from the traditional construction industry golf, Ascot and Twickenham days out.

So, David Cameron, what’s [he] doing on LinkedIn?

The week before last he posted: ‘Balfour Beatty is investing £1bn in SME’s in 2014, this is further evidence that the Government’s economic policy is working’

My immediate thought was ‘nar, they are just paying their subbies for work done, that’s blatant spin’. I then thought I’d click on this profile and to my surprise it was all there: current job, Prime Minister United Kingdom and full listing of experience and education. Then I tried Barack O and he’s on LinkedIn as well and they both have ‘500 + connections’!

Anyway clicking through to DC website some really interesting facts, for instance, the UK construction industry employs 2.9 million people and the biggest grouping is ‘execs and managers’ at 11% – that’s 319, 000 people for us to connect with.

Stuart, my social media guy, could be right about LinkedIn and who knows I might get to ‘500 + connections’!

Check out Stuart Davidson @

The next Leader will be with you on Tuesday the 2nd of September, no issue in August – everyone’s on holiday.

PS. I invited David Cameron to connect though as yet he hasn’t accepted.  🙂

1 Comment

  1. […] Getting to 500 connections was a target I set myself at the beginning of this month – check out The LinkedIn Leader for my rationale […]

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