The Open Leader

Here’s a thought

We are less than 1% open minded, what’s the cost and the opportunity?

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Most weeks when preparing to run a workshop I call some of the participants and ask them about their concerns for the event. Frequently they say – ‘got no concerns Dave I am coming to this with an open mind’ and I think ‘fantastic, they are open minded just like me’. Reading a book the other day I am now less sure about my open mindedness and am starting to wonder about the impact of my restricted view.

Apparently our brains receive 400 billion ‘bits’ of information every second. That’s a staggering amount. If we said a pen dot on a piece of paper was one ‘bit’ and if I could do ten dots in one second it would take me 821 years of continuous dotting at that pace to replicate what our brains receive in one second. Of the 400 billion bits received we filter out, based on what we already know, all bar 2000 bits – about 3.5 minutes of continuous pen dotting!

I thought I was a pretty open and receptive person and coach, now I am feeling a little less adequate. I am only ‘getting’ a miniscule fraction of what is coming at me, of what is on offer. Three and a half minutes worth of eight hundred and twenty one years worth, every second.

If this is anywhere near true my reality is very restricted and fundamentally based on what I already know – seems that I am definitely not open minded, nowhere near as much as 1%.

OK, so I am now thinking ‘how can I use this insight for positive benefit?’ Honest answer is I don’t know though I have some early thoughts:

  1. Share the insight with you; maybe you have a helpful angle?
  2. I could listen more deeply to pick up on your unique 2000 bits worth of perspective.
  3. I could slow down, open my eyes to what is going on around me and savour it instead of rushing round like a headless chicken constantly on task
  4. Read more of the book that I have started and be a little more open to the perspective on offer.
  5. Definitely ‘get out more’ (yes I know!) and see beyond my office and the conference rooms in which I work. Maybe you could help me by inviting me to meet with you and see a project you are proud of? That would be great!
  6. Maybe set up a group of like minded people with the purpose of slowing down, stretching our minds and seeing what that might create? That could be amazing!

What if we are not as open minded as we thought we were? What would be the implications for creativity, innovation, growth for our staff and teams, value creation for our customers? And the flip side what about the potential opportunity?

If you are interested in exploring new perspectives, then you will find our book 21st Century People Leadership useful. If you would like a copy please send your details to and we will send to you by post, free.

The next edition of ‘The Leader’ will be with you on, watch out, Tuesday 1st April 2014.

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