The first rule of my business is ……
Do everything ‘On Purpose’ and the second rule of my business is follow through.
When a prospective customer asks me to work with them my instinctive first response is to question: what’s it for, what’s the point, what’s the purpose, why are you looking to do this work and what business result are you seeking to achieve. My objective in that conversation is to get clear on the purpose. Often the prospective customer is uncertain as to why they are reaching out so enabling clarity on purpose is incredibly useful. Once we are agreed on purpose I make sure everything is ‘On Purpose’ – no daft games, hugging tress, fluff or interesting though irrelevant side shows. Why, cos the first rule of my business is to get clear on purpose and then do everything on purpose.
The rule applies to all aspects of my business, front stage with customers and back stage with my team or on my own. If I am about to make a phone call I stop myself and ask ‘what’s the purpose of this phone call’ and then I make the call on purpose. People tell me I bring clarity, that’s because I have got clarity, having gained it. You cannot give what you haven’t got.
The purpose of this blog is to remind me of the first two rules of my business and to inform you so that if we ever work together you know what to expect and also to let you know what is possible if you are interested.
The second rule of my business is follow through. Have you noticed there is a lack of follow through out there – whether it’s a politician’s manifesto commitment or something that your colleague said they would do and didn’t. You could tell me dozens of examples and yes, also, examples of where people have followed through and the difference that made. I’d much rather hear the latter.
Follow through starts with me; I do what I say on time every time and if for some reason I can’t I will let you know in advance and recommit as to when I can, that’s also follow through. Follow though is built into every step of my process, so when I am working with a leadership team they follow through on their commitments and that’s how they build a culture of follow through and deliver remarkable business results.
My team and I have just produced a brochure containing case studies of the remarkable business results our customers have achieved. I am really proud of the brochure, it represents my life’s work or at least the last twenty years and shows what’s possible.
The purpose of the brochure is to remind me of what is possible when the first two rules of my business are applied and also to share what is possible with those who are interested in delivering remarkable business results and want to get started. Simply give me a call if you would like a copy +447904 186855.