Two brains are better than one

Could you do with having a second brain to help you think something through and progress towards your desired result? A coach lends a second brain to help their client succeed.

When I started my Masters back in October 12 I was required to log 90 hours of one to one coaching so I sent a note out to my network offering it free to the right candidate. Approaching the end of year one I am just about there with my logged hours and I think I have done some good coaching. That’s not the end, I need to keep accumulating experience and hours as I move towards year two so I am putting out the offer again – here goes. A typical one to one programme would be a mix of face to face and telephone contact, usually over a six month period. In the first few sessions we would get clear on your desired business or career result then in subsequent sessions we would work together towards your success. I lend you my brain so you have two brains, perspectives, experiences and double mental energy on your side.

As with my first offer I am prepared to provide my coaching expertise free of charge to the right candidate. If you are interested and would like to explore further simply contact me by phone – 0191 5166878 or by E mail –



“The ultimate reason for initiating something ambitious is not to fulfil certain notions but to find out what surprises might emerge”Stuart Brand, The Clock of The Long Now.


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