We’re all in “VUCA” times now

Coined by theorists in the US Army War College in the late 1980s to conceptualise the state of play as the Cold War drew to a close, “VUCA” stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.

Today, VUCA is no longer just a concept for military strategists – it describes the situation for every one of us.

Change is sudden and dramatic. We can no longer expect the future to be a version of the past. Things have stopped making sense.

We need new thinking.

There is a saying in the military: “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”. The enemy is VUCA.

The commander sets out the mission’s strategic intent. Get to the top of the hill by 06:00 and hold your position.

On the ground, the squadron works out how best to get there, according to the situation they find and adjusting along the way. That’s what they are trained, equipped and paid to do.

Your situation, your strategic intent

How should operating in a VUCA world affect your approach to running your business or project, and the way you treat your staff?

What is your strategic intent right now?

This might be useful

I’ve been recording a series of short videos called “Strategies for VUCA”. I’ve done five out of a likely total of ten.

They are not super slick – I’ve done my best.

I think they’ll be useful for people like me who are running businesses, projects and leading teams.

I’m not sure what to do with them. I’m not even sure now is a good time to put them out there, what with all the coronavirus information and updates – they might get lost in the thick of it all.

Such is my dilemma in this VUCA world. But I think they could be most useful at this time.

What do you think?

What do you think? Put them out on LinkedIn? My website, or what? Please give me your preference.

And what about your business, are your plans surviving first contact with your stakeholders? Because that is still, even now, what it’s all about.

They need you now more than ever, even if their behavior might suggest otherwise – they too are seriously challenged.

If you have read this far, as a reader you are one of my stakeholders, thank you. VUCA is here and now and so am I and have strategies that you can use to keep moving forwards. Let me know if and how you want them.

More interesting reads for you:


  1. Darren Keep on 24th March 2020 at 11:34 am

    Interesting stuff. Hard to gauge how best to distribute them in these data-overloaded times. I would like to hear them. Perhaps you could make them available on your website (with a link in your next post) and, if you allow it, let people share them on their social media?

    • Dave Stitt on 24th March 2020 at 2:02 pm

      Great to hear from you Darren; thanks for the heads up and encouragement, appreciated. Best, Dave

  2. Stuart Chalmers on 24th March 2020 at 11:54 am

    definitely on your website – sound really interesting!

    • Dave Stitt on 24th March 2020 at 2:03 pm

      Will do Stuart, watch this space. Thanks for engaging and your encouragement. Best, Dave

  3. Tim Shaw on 25th March 2020 at 12:02 pm

    Probably on website Dave. Strategic military style thinking, guidance and direction definitely needed for the business world in these uncertain times. The world is going to be a different place once we all come through this and one might even question the future Risk and Opportunity of Globalisation. Hope you and family keep safe and well and keep up the great communications as business needs this more than ever.

    • Dave Stitt on 26th March 2020 at 8:46 am

      Thanks Tim, appreciate your engagement here and kind words. I will put VUCA Strategies on my website.
      I guess things will probably be different as the only thing that is certain now is change. Who knows what it will look like though we must accelerate how we adapt and evolve – “Social Technology” is where its at from now on. Best regards, Dave.

  4. Bob Hallam-Allsop on 22nd April 2020 at 9:20 am

    Hi Dave a really interesting post and very thought provoking given the times we are in. My thoughts are you should post the videos on your website with a link to them from other platforms, whilst at times there is a danger of information overload it also good to see other ways of possibly dealing with the issues we are all facing as it might just be that spark of information we need. If they are posted out there we can take or leave them as we see fit. Bob

    • Dave Stitt on 22nd April 2020 at 10:20 am

      Thanks Bob, appreciate your support here. I’m going to do it!! Regards, Dave

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