Connected with Rob Dalton

Rob has just accepted my invitation to connect. He is my 500th connection on LinkedIn.

Getting to 500 connections was a target I set myself at the beginning of this month – check out The LinkedIn Leader for my rationale

Rob and I first met earlier this year in a collaboration workshop I facilitated between his company Thales and their client. In the workshop feedback Rob indicated that he would likely recommend me so I asked him to connect with me on LinkedIn.

True to his word Rob has subsequently recommended me for similar work in London for which I am very grateful.

This is how I am using LinkedIn to make and strengthen business relationships and develop my pipeline of work.

Getting to 500 connections according to the rules I set myself was not easy:

  1. Invite only people I know and or have a clear shared interest
  2. Accept only invitations from people I know or who have a clear shared interest
  3. Never create nor accept spam invites.

I’m really pleased these people have connected with me. My challenge now is to nurture my connections by posting useful content and engaging with their posts when I have something to contribute; this will hopefully add value and build trust.

Another benefit for me is I get to mix with experienced and interesting people like Rob. You might also like to check out his profile and invite him to connect if that is appropriate.

Robert Dalton. Thales GTS

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