Engineering, Art and Leadership ….. I’m trying to work it out ……

Engineering is rational, logical, linear and governed by proven laws of physics. If I take the back off my watch I see an intricate combination of springs and cogs working in a precise predetermined way – engineering is complicated though it has been solved – it’s a “tame” problem.

Art on the other hand is unstructured, complex and to me, an engineer, unfathomable at times. It’s up to the artist where she places the next brush stroke, cut or object – she is free to choose, though her choice may be agonising. Art is a “wicked” problem, there is no ‘solution’ – the artists best hope is to make progress. Leadership is also a wicked problem, maybe that’s why it is referred to as ‘the art of leadership’?

We engineers have to comply with laws, rules, regulations, British Standards, codes of practice, the Quality Management System, procedures, the boss, the client and time and budget. We are constrained and yet required to innovate. Compliance and innovation do not sit easily with each other. My son spent three years at Art College deconstructing himself – his upbringing, beliefs, experiences, relationships and expectations – so he is free to create and innovate.

Given we are constrained and have to comply, how can we engineers free up some of our thinking in order to innovate? Personally, I’m spending more time with artists these days and loving it. If you fancy joining us for a few hours in London this August then check out

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