Lance Armstrong

‘The biggest cheat in sport’ according to some of the press. I don’t buy that from them, especially them.

Have “we” ever cheated? Probably. Have we ever told a lie, several lies or even a big one? Probably.

“I am a human being. Nothing that is human is foreign to me” Terence Afer.

How many of us have raised over 500 million for charity that has helped over three million people. What about catapulting the growth of a company (Trek Cycles) from 100 million to a billion turnover. Or helped lift cycling to becoming a worldwide sport and past time? How many of us have overcome aggressive cancer and then gone on to become world class in one of the toughest sports? How many of us own up to our mistakes, let alone to a worldwide audience and what about living in a constant media spotlight with all the associated pressures and loss of freedom?

Of course there is another side to all of this though does that other side warrant a life time ban?

Given the little I know of his situation my sense is to give the guy a break.

1 Comment

  1. "Robert " on 19th February 2015 at 9:01 am

    I can’t agree with you on this one Dave. Your argument is a case of “the ends justify the means” and would lead to anarchy. Where do you draw the line? I am not sure that the charities would have been so ready to receive the cash if they knew it was from cheating. Yes we have all cheated to some degree, the difference I perceive here, is that Armstrong has not sought forgiveness for his wrong doing. I think that demonstrating you are sorry is probably the first step to putting things right after you have messed up. The follow up step is then forgiveness from the victims i.e. “giving him a break”.

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