The Big Picture Leader

Here’s a thought

“What would happen to your organisation if there was a sudden record slide in the Brent crude oil price?”

This is complex, the big picture often is.

We all work in systems which are sub systems of bigger systems. For example I am currently working with a team that is building a major infrastructure project.

This team has three sub teams within it, one being the senior management team. This project team is a subsystem of a business unit which in turn is part of the UK division of a global company. This team links to their client’s team and both link to the development PFI organisation, which connects to the local authority and in turn the respective UK government agency. The team I am working with also has hundreds of links to its supply chain which comprises thousands of other systems spread all over the World.

This project system is a subsystem of one UK industrial sector as well as being a subsystem of the construction industry and both are subsystems of UK PLC. The UK is part of the European system, which is part of the global system which is part of our solar system.

Things are happening all the time in all those systems which impact on this project team.

Not everyone, not all of the time, but most people are focused on their own field of expertise, doing their best to overcome their own challenges and doing a great job of what is in front of them. Though things keep changing as a consequence of very remote events and we are oblivious. Occasionally flabbergasted we ask – ‘how on earth did that happen and why are they behaving in such a way?’

It may be that there has been a sudden record slide in Brent Crude and the tail of the impact has just changed someone’s world and your organisation is feeling it. Though chances are it’s a combination of happenings much more complex than that; way beyond simplistic ‘cause and effect’. Oh, and it’s not your fault!

The point is – it’s good to step out every now and then and look at the big picture. What’s going on out there that will impact your organisation, your client, their client, your subcontractor and their suppliers – nationally and internationally. You won’t get it right, there is no such thing, though it will inform your thinking and your strategy. And somehow as a big picture leader you will make sense of it for your people in such a way that they are inspired to follow you.

If we are working together and I suggest mapping out your system then hopefully this explains why we are doing it. If we are not working together and you want to know how to map your system, to see a bigger picture, then get in touch and I will help you.

The next Leader will be with you on Tuesday 3rd of March 2015.

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