While the job mostly always gets built there is disharmony and waste. It doesn't have to be that way, the leadership teams we coach are different.

There is significant opportunity for change and improvement across organisations and projects. The best vehicle for making change is joined up leadership, right at the top.

Leadership works.

We work with top teams to enable joined up and effective leadership.




Author: Leadership Team Coach: Executive Coach: Athlete

The leaders we coach want to make a difference, create a legacy and they want rigor, follow through and accountability along the way. They are frustrated with the status quo and empty promises of quick success, and are now ready to put the work in.

They want to see the programme and shape it; but most of all they want results, and they are impatient to get started and see improvement. 

Dave Stitt 

Do you want to create a legacy?

Do you want to deliver a serious project with rigor?
If this is speaking to you, we need to talk!

View from the top - Sir James Wates CBE comments on our contribution towards "excellent results" and "significant growth":

I am passionate about the construction industry and challenging it to raise its game. At the heart of this change, most recently reinforced by Mark Farmer’s report Modernise or Die, needs to be a commitment to stronger collaboration at all stages in the value chain. The Improving Construction Programme helped to deliver this change for the Wates Group, and through Dave Stitt’s leadership, it yielded excellent results. Indeed it contributed to building a foundation for significant growth of the Wates Group in subsequent years.

Sir James Wates CBE, Chairman Wates Group, Chairman CITB, Chairman, Tomorrows Company

Delegate4Results™ – New Online Course available!

Learn how to delegate in a deep and deliberate way.

Case Studies

Worcestershire County Council: Construction of Phase 4 of Worcester’s A4440 Southern Link Road (SLR4)

Programme: DeliverSprint2Finish
Feedback Andy Maginnis: Dave’s DeliverSprint2Finish programme played a significant role in the SLR4 opening to traffic by autumn 2022, and we are actively looking at securing his services for other programmes of work in the future.

Read more and see what our customers say

Morgan Sindall ISB – Delivering exponential growth in collaborative national frameworks

Programme: DeliverStart2Finish™
Feedback Andy Hall: “The value to the business was massive in terms of achieving objectives set for the team. […] Currently the business is active on all targeted national and regional frameworks and in 2022 delivered over a quarter of the total construction volume from those frameworks – a considerable increase from our 2018 plan.”

Read more and see what our customers say

Space Architects Thriving through Testing Times

Programmes: Delegate4Results, DeliverStart2Finish™ (DS2F)
Feedback CEO Rob Charlton, Space: “We have had the two best consecutive years ever by some considerable margin and have hit or surpassed most of our Rethink 23 targets”.

Read more and see what our customers say

DeliverStart2Finish™ programme

Our DeliverStart2Finish™ programme has been tried and tested for over twenty years in the construction industry by top teams who have gone on to deliver remarkable results. Check out case studies

We only work with a small number of top teams. These teams are ready to put the work in - this isn't easy and may not be for you. Oh, and there are no twenty five year old senior consultants here.

This is what our clients say

Frank Millar, Chief Executive Officer at CPI: "Our year end results are all up significantly"

I worked with Dave in a previous company where he coached the operations team to better performance and return the division to consistent profits.

Dave recently designed and coached our Leadership In Action programme for a cohort of CPI senior managers. The programme started in June 2018 and finished earlier this year.

Subsequently our year end results are all up significantly which is testament to much enhanced team working and true leadership in action. I would recommend Dave as a leadership team coach to executives who are serious about improving business performance and results.

Frank Millar, Chief Executive Officer at CPI

Get started now!

Do you want to achieve remarkable results?
We enable you by coaching your top team using our DeliverStart2Finish™ methodology.

Recommended reads: books about working better with people

People ask me for recommended reading lists. They know I read lots of books about leadership and management and people.
I seem to write a reading list every three years. Here’s my latest one.
If you are interested in giving your best and getting the best from people then this may be useful for you.

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Leading with emotion: tap into your team’s brain science

I wrote this as a LinkedIn article in March 2016. It was then current brain science. I was trying to get across the need to acknowledge emotions when dealing with people. 100 LinkedIn articles later I am recycling it cos its still valid even though the brain science may have moved on (or may not have). It’s still relevant though I am concerned we are moving in the wrong direction in terms of how we deal with people.

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Five sure ways to make meetings matter

Our research suggests senior people are wasting several days every month in meetings that don’t help them do their jobs. That creates a serious lag in their organisation’s productivity, and is deadly for morale. But it doesn’t have to be that way

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I think the impact of our sessions with Dave had more of an effect on us as a team then perhaps I realized at the time. But looking back with hindsight, what we ended up achieving in the end was truly amazing, we delivered so much and so quickly working as a really effective team, and as a result we had a very satisfied customer at the end of it.

Alex Towse, Project Manager at BAM Nuttall Ltd
(BAM is part of Fusion JV delivering HS2)

DSA created a positive, energetic and safe environment, which was action focused, to deliver business results.

The programme resulted in better relationships with customers and the supply chain, improved and consistent performance across the division and overarching performance of the business.

Most pleasing was all the key players ended up having a much bigger role in the company.

Alex Vaughan, CEO of Costain

This had a significant impact on Costain’s performance, creating ‘One Costain’ and the stable foundation and springboard to our success.

Tony Blanch, Costain Group Business Improvement Director

We saw quantifiable business benefits in three ways. Personally, I’ve developed in my role; the executive team is working more closely as a team; and the focus that has come as a result has had demonstrable benefits on both people and profit.

Seamus Keogh, now Chief Executive Officer of Clancy Docwra

Without question, having the whole team in a room, away from site, on a regular basis, over a two year period and taken through a well-structured and rigorous process enabled us to get multi-faceted ideas on the table, many of which led to unexpected and robust solutions.

DSA really brought the best from key suppliers and stakeholders and created an absolutely fantastic team spirit. I still have the team photo on my wall and I fondly remember most of the players.

Early, significant conflicts were overcome during the coaching, allowing us to get a project - which was key to the success of the division - completed.

I have adopted the DSA process a number of times and am in discussion with Dave about taking it to my new employer, to be implemented on a £300m development in London.

David Woodhouse, Costain Project Director

This approach gave us the opportunity to come up for air, take-stock, regroup and then press on together. The resulting team effort has been very powerful and what we achieved was remarkable.

I also feel the support empowers and reinforces my leadership.

I recommend this approach to any organisation looking to substantially improve project leadership.

Wayne Riley, Director, MBE

Dave Stitt is someone I have worked a lot in the past and has helped us build team performance in a number of projects like Bradford BSF and Crossrail. [...]

Dave is also one of us, someone that comes from our industry, knows it inside out, but has managed to get the sufficient distance from it, to be able to analyse it and see the usual pitfalls we end up falling in on every project. And that insight is so precious that I always use any opportunity to share it with my peers, reports and managers.

Dave has also written a number of books that I have avidly read [...].

I use Dave's books not only as helpful reminders to the pitfalls mentioned above, but also as a source for useful advice and tools to avoid these, and improve our performance as individuals and as a team. In a way Dave's books have become an extension of his work as an excellent Team Coach.
Keep up the excellent work Dave!

Luis Amorim, Sustainability Director & HS2 Operations Director, Ferrovial Agroman UK & Ireland

I highly recommend this programme for leaders and executives in any organisation and it is a great investment of time and money if companies are genuinely interested in building trust and relationship amongst leaders, and raising performance bar within organisations.

Arun Harish, Strategy Director at CPI, part of HVM Catapult

Some of our valued customers