Fusion working on behalf of HS2 – Adding Value to Your Team, Project and Business

Mariano de Andrés, Programme Director Fusion JV, on his experience working with Dave:
We reached an important milestone on our HS2 project, and so we decided to change our coaching programme to focus entirely on our delivery teams.
Looking back on the last 14 months of our top leaders working with Dave & his tailored coaching programme we’ve undoubtedly grown massively together as a team, and also as individual leaders within it.
Our efficiency and purpose has improved significantly, we’re so much better at pointing north together and finding solutions for our client, many other stakeholders, and leading our dedicated staff team over 500nr who were somewhat thrust together and from more diverse backgrounds than ever before.
We got the most benefits from team coaching in the areas of strategic thinking, ‘laser’ communications, making progress rather than seeking perfection, pointing north, physiological safety, having true and clear purpose, delegation, and probably most importantly the simple headspace on the days we spend together on the programme away from the day job. The coaching is a “programme” with real ‘stuff’ and “live action coaching” in between sessions, it’s not a workshop or training course which can suffer from poor follow through.
Turning to results & successes, we added a lot a value to our operations and business, we’ve increased our volume by a massive 250%, improved our reputation, increased morale, we have a great H&S record, fewer issues and defects, all of which drops positively to the bottom line! This is despite the challenges from COVID this year, we simply didn’t let it stop us, even slow us down much.
So we now close this chapter to start a new one, passing the baton to our “Best for Project Team” to focus on safe delivery and achievement of HS2 programme milestones. We leave a strong recommendation to Dave and his programme, it really does work and adds value & wealth to your team, project and business.
Mariano de Andrés,
Programme Director Fusion JV
Alex Towse, Project Manager at BAM Nuttall Ltd (part of Fusion JV delivering HS2), says:
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